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Beacon Building Company

Experts in Residential and Commercial Drainage Systems

Servicing all of South Florida

(561) 883-1201

Beacon Building Company can tackle any outdoor project, and in the case of this Parkland homeowner, we built several projects simultaneously including an outdoor kitchen, patio remodel, retaining wall, outdoor fireplace, drainage improvements, and driveway pavers. The fact that we have expertise in a wide range of outdoor projects offers several benefits to homeowners:
  1. Convenience: Customers can rely on a single company for multiple outdoor projects, as was done for this Parkland outdoor kitchen, patio and driveway pavers, outdoor fireplace, retaining wall, and drainage. Streamlining the process from planning to completion reduces the need to coordinate multiple contractors.
  2. Expertise: Our company is experienced in various outdoor projects with a team of skilled professionals. This expertise ensures that each project is executed with precision and meets high-quality standards. 
  3. Customization: With diverse capabilities, Beacon Building Company can tailor outdoor spaces to meet the unique preferences and needs of each customer, as we did for this Parkland homeowner. Whether it’s designing a custom outdoor kitchen, creating a unique patio layout, or addressing drainage and erosion prevention with a decorative retaining wall, customers have greater flexibility in realizing their vision.
  4. Time Efficiency: By handling multiple projects simultaneously or consecutively, we can complete outdoor renovations more efficiently, reducing overall project timelines and minimizing disruption to the customer’s lifestyle.
  5. Single Point of Contact: Dealing with one company for all outdoor projects simplifies communication and ensures clarity throughout the construction process. Customers have a single point of contact for questions, updates, and any issues that may arise.
  6. Consistent Design Aesthetic: Working with a single company ensures consistency in design elements, materials, and construction techniques across all outdoor features. This results in a harmonious and unified look for the entire outdoor space.


Give Beacon Building Company a call at 561-883-1201 and let us show you how we can meet your outdoor construction project needs!

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